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View Article  Down to the Wire...
For the first time in a long time I’m mourning the end of winter months and the onset of warmer weather. As a committed sport climber the sweet smell of lower-offs should be wafting up my nostrils now that just about all the (usually) seepage-ridden limestone crags are dry. And I am psyched by the lime as my earlier blog about Malham will attest. True be told though, I’m still hankering after one more grit tick; not any old grit tick mind, one that’s been on my list for a while…   more »
View Article  KSP features big in A Grand Day Out…
A Grand Day Out, a magazine supplement with a twist, was published with Climb Magazine and was stuffed with images from yours truly.   more »
View Article  Climbing FactFiles: Latest FactFiles Up but ‘front-end’ under the Spotlight…
As the climbing season gets underway and people start putting their climbing plans together I’ve spent a bit of midnight oil getting the very latest Climbing FactFiles sorted and up on-line…   more »