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View Article  Snow business like snow business…
When tales of no snow in some Euro ski resorts are set against the tales of snow across our fair isle, you start to scratch your head a bit. Then along comes a white Xmas, the first for some considerable time, and you really sit up and take note.    more »
View Article  Two in One…
Walking through the gate into the Stanage Plantation was a bit like stepping through the wardrobe door and into the magical kingdom of ClimbNarnia. It was still cold but gone, all of a sudden, was the heinous withering wind and boulderers were everywhere. One, slowly but surely, was inching his way up the top arête of Careless Torque. Could this be?   more »
View Article  It’s a Flatworld after all…
The irony of the situation didn’t occur to me until this morning. Whilst world leaders cogitate on the ongoing crisis that is global warming we spent a glorious (December) day bouldering in skins and T’s at Baslow last Saturday. So what was our boulder of choice? Yeah, you guessed it – the Alan Williams classic, Flatworld (Font 7c). Talk about ironic!   more »